Thursday, June 28, 2007

Almond Branches in Bloom

About the Artwork
Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) was a masterful post-Impressionist artist whose work profoundly influenced modern Expressionism, Fauvism and early Abstraction. Born in Groot Zundert, Netherlands, and residing mainly in France, Van Gogh was a prolific artist who produced all of his work during a 10-year period-at one point, creating an astonishing 150 paintings and drawings within one year. Van Gogh epitomized the tormented artist who found hope and salvation through the healing powers of art.
"Almond Blossom," which he painted for his newborn nephew as a symbol of budding life, embraced his favorite subject: flowering branches against a blue sky. It also illustrated the uplifting effect nature had on Van Gogh's psyche: painting outside, in sunshine, filled him with unparalleled joy. The exquisite, delicate branches appear to float against the sky, conveying a sense of lightheartedness and optimism. They also fill the entire canvas, and are accentuated by dark outlining, suggesting the influence of Japanese prints that had captivated van Gogh during this period.
"Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more."

- Vincent Van Gogh
Dallas Museum

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